Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Driving Like A Java Programmer

This afternoon when I drove home from a retail park I drove the slightly longer way, because I knew it would be easier to turn right out of the other exit and I would have three blocks to cross three lanes of traffic instead of less than one. And as I did that, I thought to myself 'I'm driving like a Java programmer' - that is, it took longer to get home, but it was easier to get there, less stressful and I was less likely to crash. While the average Calgary driver drives like a C programmer. Or maybe an assembly coder. Still, I prefer driving in England where there are higher speed limits and less potholes, traffic lights, four way stops and snow. And where I own a Golf GTI instead of just a GL. And I get to drive it again next week, 'cos that's when I go home. But I'll be back in Calgary sometime next year - once it starts to get less cold.


Unknown said...

That's pretty funny - I drive like that. And I prefer Java to a very large degree over other programming languages.

Now - I wonder how prolog-buffs drive?

James Ots said...

Prolog guys would get in a taxi and say "I want to go here, here and here" and let the taxi driver work out the best way to get there.

Derp said...

import java.io.*;
class Room
float width, length;
Room(float x, float y)
width = x;
length = y;

Room(float x)
width = length = x;

float area()
return width * length;
class page138
public static void main(String args[])
Room rect1 = new Room(15.0); // calling constructor

float area1 = rect1.area();
System.out.println("Area : " + area1);
what is the problem can u help me to figure it out? i cant compile for error ::: cant find symbol. :(