Thursday, October 06, 2005


I know it's not in fashion to love AJAX at the moment if you're a real programmer, but I do. Why? Because it's such a cobbled together heap of junk, and everyone is using it. And everyone else is going 'this is rubbish, let's think of something better', and I reckon before too long someone will actually design a proper solution. All because we have AJAX, which sucks, and I love it.


Unknown said...

for the record: i don't hate AJAX. i was playing around with this kind of stuff some years ago and it's very cool.

it just isn't for everything, popular opinion notwithstanding.

James Ots said...

Perhaps I should mention that I do actually quite like AJAX - it's cool what you can make a browser do when you use it. I'm just sure someone will develop something which makes a bit more sense before long. Although I must have a look at DWR sometime soon...

nerkn said...

It's a kind of fluid soap in turkey, and was very popular when full-automatic washing-machines are rare.
I dislike too, I hate XML!